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تحميل Avast pro antivirus 2015 license key
تحميل Avast pro antivirus 2015 license key
البرنامج العملاق الذي اثبت جداره بعد استخدامه بين الملايين حول العالم فهو يحمي النظام من الفيروسات والتروجونات كمان انه مراقب جيد لكل ملفات التحميل والانترنت وغيرها بحيث تستطيع ان تجعل جهازك خاليا من الفيروسات تمام وبذلك تحصل علي كفاءه افضل What’s New in avast! Antivirus 2015 The list of new features/improvements includes New Home Network Security – Will scan your network (router, Wi-Fi, connected devices) for vulnerabilities like factory (default) password on your router, or shared Wi-Fi connection for anyone. This feature makes avast! 2015 totally unique New Smart Scan – Will scan everything at once, which includes virus and malware scan, Software Updater, Home Network Security, and GrimeFighter. Then you can easily resolve all found issues on one screen New HTTPS scanning – Web shield will be able to scan also the encrypted HTTPS traffic, so you won’t get infected even if the bad guys will use the encryption New SecureDNS (available only in the paid-for products) – Will protect your router/client against DNS hijacking which is quite popular type of attack in these days Improved Various Fixes/Improvements – Lots of various bug fixes and improvements resulting in more stable and faster product Download Link license key Download
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