ToDoList 7.0.13
ToDoList 7.0.13


من افضل برامج 2013 برنامج SwiftToDoList الاول فى عمل قائمة اعمال خاصة بك لكى تتمكن من عمل جدول لمواعيدك الهامة , الى جانب العديد من المميزات التى ستتعرف عليها من خلال هذا البرنامج الرائع برنامج ToDoList الاول فى عمل قائمة بالتواريخ الهامة
ToDoList is a jack-of-all-trades organizer software that goes far beyond managing shopping lists. The tool allows to create short and precise task lists but also handles complex project flows. ToDoList presents tasks in a tree-view and visualizes their dependencies. Single project tasks are assigned individual priorities that can be adjusted or marked as done at any time. Additionally, comments simplify the understanding of tasks and allow team members or stakeholders to follow the progress of the project. To-do lists can be shared with users on local networks.

ToDoList 7.0.13