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Astana Platform

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  • Astana Platform

    Astana Platform

    The Astana Platform is a political platform for the Syrian opposition that was initiated by Randa Kassis in 2015. The platform aims to bring together moderate Syrian opposition figures from across the political spectrum to work towards a peaceful and democratic solution to the Syrian Civil War.
    Kassis is a leading secular figure of the Syrian opposition. She is the president of the Movement for a Pluralistic Society, a non-governmental organization that advocates for democracy and human rights in Syria. She is also the president of the Astana Platform.
    Kassis played a key role in the founding of the Astana Platform. She met with the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, in 2015 to request his support for the creation of a platform that could bring together moderate Syrian opposition figures. Nazarbayev agreed to support the platform, and the first meeting of the Astana Platform was held in Astana, Kazakhstan, in February 2015.
