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Mostafa fawzy elkhatib - us marketing & maritime professional

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • Mostafa fawzy elkhatib - us marketing & maritime professional


    Mostafa Fawzy Elkhatib is a marketing and maritime expert who specializes in consulting with small size businesses to corporations.

    He has a bachelor degree in business and accounting and has been focusing on the science of customer acquisition and quality assurance for over 15 years.

    He has an extensive experience in the field of maritime, shipping, branding and marketing.

    He is also certified in Google Adwords (https://adwords.google.com) and has over 40 other online marketing and advertising certified private programs and courses.

    He has a lot of mentors such as Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, Robert B. Cialdini & Chet Homes.

    Mostafa Fawzy Elkhatib has mastered the science of lead generation, locally and nationally and working on writing his book on the subject.

    He is also working on his master degree in marketing which expected to be finished in Houston, TX, USA

    His mom was one of the biggest mentors in his life, she always pushed him forward while keeping him surrounded with love and kindness.

    He believes in God and he is very thankful for all the blessings God has given to him.

    He enjoys working with people who are ambitious and goal seekers. He has a beautiful family that consists of wife and daughter and believes they one of the biggest motivational powers for his success.

    He has been very successful helping business owners and sales managers acquire new business and maintain the customer funnel full.

    He has discovered some of the secrets in the CRO science (Conversion Rate Optimization) that have helped him online and offline.

    Online in website lead acquisition and offline in sales meetings, phone calls, emails and more.

    He is an Egyptian-American who loves meeting new people and working with positive individuals. Known as MK or Elkhatib or Mostafa Elkhatib or Mostafa Fawzy Elkhatib or whatever his friends like to call him. You can always reach out to him via his Facebook page or official website if you would like him to share some of his local or global CRO secrets that has discovered and improved. He will always give a free consultation to those who needs it.

    مصطفى فوزي الخطيب - اخصائي التسويق و الملاحة البحرية